Alumni Relations Today: Progress and Opportunity

With over 80 institutions included in the data, the latest results from the Impactrics survey are very positive showing more robust alumni relations programs in most areas. The strongest areas of data management and communications got a bit stronger which suggests that more alumni are hearing from their alma maters. There could be some challenges ahead in communications with the GDPR in effect. Similarly, structured alumni associations and affinity groups are growing at a measured pace. These fundamental areas are crucial for long term success of alumni engagement.

The biggest improvement in alumni relations is the significant jump in the services being provided to or for alumni. These programs engage alumni and keep them informed about the institution. It is often hardest to measure the direct benefit to the institution however alumni welcome this type of relevant interaction that may include lifelong education and service opportunities. These programs often build name recognition for the institution.

Programs that support students including mentoring and career advising continue to be strong though it is the only area that saw even a minor decrease in the numbers. Based on conversations with alumni relations professionals, this area seems poised for growth as more schools are researching how alumni an help students with their first endeavor. The large difference between the average and the median suggests that some schools have not started programs in this area while others multiple opportunities for students to benefit from alumni support.

Metrics and measuring success of programs continues to be a challenge for many institutions. While many institutions have not determined a definition of success beyond attendance, others do not have the resources to collect that data for measurement. This is an area of growing concern for many as they look for more resources from the administration and need to provide compelling results.

Complete the Impactrics Assessment (click here) to receive a customized report that shows your areas of strength and can help determine areas of opportunity for you.

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